What is the app? Is it free? What kind of information can be submitted? The PFT Healthy Schools Tracker Mobile App allows users to identify specific problems with building conditions in schools, including the location, type and magnitude of problem, including the ability to submit photos. It is available for free download onto Apple[…]
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Despite recent cleanups, Philadelphia schools still expose kids and teachers to asbestos
Uncategorized Dec 17, 2018
The Philadelphia Healthy Schools Initiative (PHSI) has been raising a number of issues around the environmental hazards and issues of exposure in schools. Building on our recent progress with lead legislation, we will now turn our attention to asbestos. The Inquirer continues its important coverage, in its Toxic City, Sick Schools report. Read more here:[…]
Groundbreaking legislation addressing lead paint in schools passes through Philadelphia City Council The bill, backed by Councilman Mark Squilla, Philadelphia Healthy Schools Initiative and the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers, sets the nation’s most far-reaching standards for lead paint remediation in schools. [Philadelphia, Pa.] – Amidst growing public outcry over the environmental-health threats faced by[…]
Dear Philadelphia City Council members, I wanted to write and follow up following the hearing held by City Council on January 25th on the subject of faulty lead paint stabilization in a set of Philadelphia public schools. At this hearing, you asked a panel of speakers that included Jerry Roseman from the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers[…]